Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spring Quilts

Here are some of the beautiful quilts I quilted for others this Spring

Monday, May 4, 2009

Scrappy Fonts

A good friend kindly told me about ScrapNFonts and emailed me their ad for free fonts! I liked them so much I am passing them on to you. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Summer Fliers for 2009

Summer in Las Vegas is here with long warm days and lots of swimming! With each change in season, I create a new flier to advertise my longarm quilting.  I spent many hours creating the front and back of this summer's flier and I am anxious to get them back from the printer. I am going to get them out to everyone on my mailing list and to the local shops as soon as they arrive! I always have a monthly special and hope you enjoy these specials. If you are not already on my mailing list, I would be happy to send you one. Just drop me a note with your name and address to

With summer, comes the heat and it has already hit in Vegas. Here I am with my two little ones and the neighborhood kids at Easter! I love Vegas weather!

Quilting Retreat

This weekend I attended my first ever retreat... yes I know it is quite strange that I have never attended a quilting retreat before. I never could justify the weekend time and money before but this one I just couldn't miss! It was so wonderful to sew without dishes or laundry or children! I only brought one project to work on not realizing that without interruptions, projects move! Of course I quickly got through what I thought would take all day and had to go shopping :) The first store I visited was Scrap Apple Quilts. They had a beautiful selection of batiks, but I was on the hunt for baby panels. I love baby panels for last minute baby gifts because I can add sashing, quilting and binding in an afternoon or two if I am determined. The employees were so kind to open the boxes in the back they had just received to let me look for more baby panels! 

Superior Threads was closed on Saturday but after hearing us knocking, they let us in! I tried to keep my hands in my pockets. I have soooooo much thread already and was in heaven walking through their warehouse. There were so many shelves packed with different threads, if only money grew on trees! I walked out with only one spool of glitter thread. I have been wanting to buy some to see if it will run as a top thread in my gammill.  I will soon find out! 
The retreat was hosted by the Las Vegas Quilters guild and Ida Connors of Teacup Quilts organized it. Thanks Ida! We stayed at the Hilton in St. George, UT and they were very accommodating. We had a wonderful turnout. I really enjoyed getting to chat with the many talented members of the guild! There was much laughter and smiles throughout the event. Saturday night Ida asked for a show of hands of people who would be interested in attending next year and it was unanimous that this event will become an annual gathering!  

So now I love quilting retreats and am happily planning on attending next year with more than one project to work on!