Sunday, August 16, 2009


I am sitting in the Portland airport listening and watching a brilliant pianist play Phantom of the Opera while waiting for my flight home. Portland was everything I expected it to be and finding this special treat at the end of a great trip only deepens my love for the northwest. I think I drove my husband crazy asking every few hours, "Can we move here yet?" He would laugh and say, "I'm working on it." He is currently in the middle of a masters degree so for another 18 months leaving Las Vegas is completely out of the question. I can still dream though. Leaving Las Vegas would be difficult. I have lived most of my life in Vegas. I have such great friends and neighbors. I have a love for the wonderful people in the local quilting community and for my co-workers.

We planned the trip for one of my husband's friend's wedding. Congrats to Jason & Lindsey! We figured since we were going anyway, we may as well spend a couple days and enjoy ourselves.After the beautiful wedding, we were off to a great find my husband scoped out before we left town. The Grand Lodge was a huge old masonry lodge revamped into the perfect party place. I was a little hesitant when my husband first described it as only having a room with bunk beds left. "Oh and by the way there are only public restrooms," he casually said. This eccentric place was full of live music, alcohol, a hot soaking pool, party rooms and history. I has a great time and it will be one of those places that stays with me for a long time. I would love to go back for a family reunion or with another couple or two. Here's me looking down one of the hallways of rooms. By the way, the bathrooms were actually great-very clean and with large shower stalls. I did enjoy showering while listening to a voice singing in the next shower over.
The next day we were off to drive up the Oregon coast and oh was it worth it!This is my good looking hubby pondering deeply and quite frustrated that I am interrupting by asking him to turn his head this way and that. Thankfully my die hard Kodak camera finally gave up the ghost and he bought me a SLR camera as soon as we got off the airplane. Literally we drove straight to Best Buy (there is no sales tax in Oregon).

I did get to stop in this darling quilt shop, Center Diamond. They had a gorgeous window box pouring over with flowers.

We also stopped at a ton of markets! This lady made delicious crapes. And of course I had to stop to take pictures of the well arranged berries and pineapple tomatillo. Has anyone ever tasted these? I wish I had while I had the chance. I am still wondering what they taste like. We found a hiking trail in the middle of a neighborhood that lead down to this water. Along the way, the forest was full of wild berries. Unbelievable! Can you imagine this for a backyard? And of course, I couldn't get enough pictures of the flowers. They were gorgeous!

Another thing I loved about the northwest, was the people. Everywhere we went we found educated, friendly, passionate people. Along the way, we drove by these two ladies on a bench outside an ice cream shop. They were eating their ice cream like nothing else in life mattered. They made it look sooooo good. We stopped to get some and walked across the street with it to enjoy it on the beach. Really, does life get better than a waffle cone full of strawberry cheesecake ice cream on the beach?

Overall, I give Oregon fabulous reviews. We liked it so much, we are visiting again for Christmas to see what it is like in winter. Maybe my reviews won't be so upbeat when everything is covered in ice. But who knows, maybe my heart does belong there.

Monday, August 10, 2009

So today was definitely a Monday...

I went to sleep unable to find my cell phone last night and so I spent this morning in a panic. My personal cell is also my business line. How in the world were people going to get a hold of me today? I had quilts waiting for customers and was sure people would be calling.

While I was frantically looking all over my house, my mom knocked on my door. Moms must have an ability to tell when their children are in a panic. Thank you mom! I began to walk her through the events of last night when I remembered having my phone last. We had gone to the neighbors house to visit so I decided to go over again. They were at work so I kindly let myself in. I had the garage about half way up when my neighbor pulled up. Busted! If my wonderful trusting neighbors are reading this, I will not be offended if you change your garage code.

The trespassing did not result in my phone but while I was out, I noticed that the garbage man had already come. This got me thinking about last week. I was missing my favorite scissors and asked my 3 year old if he had seen them. After thinking a minute, he suggested that I look in the trash. Now, why would he think my scissors were in the trash? I can only guess. I did look through the trash last week but all I found was thread, lint and needles. My scissors are still missing.

Immediately I ran into the house, cornered my little dude and asked him flat out if he had put my phone in the trash. I was trying to breathe deeply ... the garbage man had already come! His sweet little face denied throwing my phone out. I still wasn't convinced and looked in my empty trash cans. Then it dawns on me, I took the trash to the curb last night. I had set my phone down on my husband's rear bumper because my shorts lacked pockets. I then washed my hands and had forgotten to pick up my phone. By now though, my husband had already driven down town to work.

Now, I am a pretty lucky person. I won a Bernina 220 2 years ago at the Las Vegas shop hop and in high school I won a stereo in a perfect attendance drawing (yes I've always been a nerd). Things generally work out well for me so I didn't give up hope. My mom and kiddos piled into the car while I left a note for my customers to call my mom's cell. Thankfully no one came over while we were out searching! We drove all 13 miles staring at the pavement and arrived at my husband's truck with my phone still on his bumper. What a way to start the day!