Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another birthday has come and gone!

At the end of April, I got another year closer to 30. So close that I have to categorize myself in the late 20's bracket. Late is the part that hurts. The occasion got me thinking about how I view my age and whether or not I am really seeing myself age appropriately. There is no turning back, I will never be a kid again. I had such a perfect childhood, thanks to good parents, a religious canopy protecting me, and a whole bucket full of ignorance. Many days I find myself thinking about days gone by. This bday I intentionally looked at the present and future. My life really is good. The biggest problem I have is figuring out how to make housework a little more exciting. I have lead a very busy life always and it is finally starting to wear on me. "You don't want to burn your candle at both ends," my dad always used to tell me. I am finally starting to believe him. I am trying to focus on priorities and putting more effort into those instead of a million things.

This weekend I drafted out a letter of resignation to my customers. I have loved longarm quilting for others and love the people I do it for. This week I received my 600th order and it is hard to think of letting this all go. So why would I walk away from a successful home business I have poured my heart into over the last four years? I am going back to school for my masters degree to become a nurse practitioner. The reality is that the time has come for me to pursue this dream and I can only put so much on my plate. I have children to raise, a husband to love, a house to keep, friendships to nourish, and a job to work. I am going to trade running a business for school. Here it goes.....