Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A decade

No, it hasn't been a decade since I've made a blog post but gosh it sure feels like it. I've been busy reading my pharmacology textbook. Such is.

It was this same week 10 years ago that I was finished with high school, packing up, and heading out on a new adventure. I spent that summer working in my dad's auto shops and on the weekends I hit a few garage sales to find dishes and silverware for my college apartment. I was 110% ready to move out of my parents home. My parents were good parents and we got along well. I was just that kid who couldn't wait to grow up. That summer was one full of anticipation, excitement, and wonder. This summer has been too but in different ways. I have loved watching my kids explore new ideas and places.

Last night we all climbed into my big bed and my 7 yr old girly read a chapter of a children's mystery book to me. She has fallen in love with mystery and fantasy books this summer! I LOVE that she reads all on her own. Not only does she know the words, but you can ask her about the plot and characters. Her face lights up as she retells the story. Who knew that a little girl could make me so happy! This summer was also the last one before my baby starts real school. Kindergarten here we come! He has been a bit more clingy lately. I think all this talk about school is worrying him just a bit. Change is never easy.

With the passing of a decade (and my children staying with my dad for a week) I have found myself reflecting on life. In some ways I am exactly where I thought I would be, a wife, mother, and soon to be nurse practitioner. However, I discovered a lot of things I never saw coming and life has been richer than I ever anticipated.


  1. Good to see you're posting again. I miss ya. Cute pics....were they at lake powell???

  2. I miss you too! Yep we went to Lake Powell this summer.

  3. love your blog! k am I just stupid? how do I follow you?
