The front of this blue quilt may look like something you've seen before.
One of the patriotic fabrics in this table runner had stars in circles. I liked it so much, I used the design in quilting the border. (Click on a picture to see it larger.) This brown quilt had amazing sashing! Here are the answers... Nemo on Ice and Lap Pool
Monday, November 23, 2009
Quilt Pictures
I wish that I could say that I made these quilts from start to finish because if I had, they would have stayed at my house! So many of the quilts I quilt for others I have a hard time giving back. As I work on them, I fall in love! Maybe tomorrow I will do some piecing as well as some quilting. I have been aching to make some Christmas stockings, those count as quilts if I quilt them right? Check out these spider webs! I love Halloween!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Life is good!
Yesterday my imac was in China and today it is on my desk! FedEx has amazed me for the first time ever. As promised here I am blogging.
This week I was really irritable. I am trying to blame it on pms but it was worse than usual. Here's why: The quilt stores here in Vegas are having their annual shop hop. I have known about it for a while and have been very excited about going. A friend and I had planned on hitting a couple shops Thursday morning. It turned out that one of my mandatory trainings for work was due and Thursday morning was the only time it was being offered. I found out early in the week and was emailing my friend to let her know. Turns out I got interrupted half way through and forgot that I hadn't actually sent the email. It was a mess and hopefully she has or will soon forgive me. There was no way to reschedule because I am at work all weekend. So lame that I planned so poorly!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My little girly has lost her first two teeth! She was so stinking cute about it too! She wanted to keep it a secret so she didn't tell anyone her bottom front teeth were wiggly. Tuesday at lunch the first one fell out and she announced it with a big grin!
Also she started kindergarten this year!!! She is one of those kids who just couldn't wait. She ran right in without even saying goodbye on the first day. It has been great to see her growth. The biggest change I have noticed is her penmanship. Praise be to kindergarten teachers who can convince young children to learn this daunting skill. I struggled this summer to get her to write her name well. I knew it was coming and wanted her to be ready. It was a challenge! Now she is writing all upper and lowercase letters with only some occasional help! I love you Mrs. Parks!

The first day of school!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I have struggled to decide what my rules for this blog are going to be. From the start decided that if I was going to make any rules, the one to make would be that all my entries would involve at least one picture. Well that was a great idea. You see I have an imac that is one of the more basic versions. We bought it for photos, word processing and internet access. That was before I decided to make a website and do my own fliers. I have killed my imac slowly over the years by running creative studio. It no longer even opens photoshop. Because it runs so poorly, I haven't really used a computer much over the last few months and therefore all blog entries have been waiting for photos. My new imac is on its way and I can't wait to work on a computer that functions. So until then, it is most likely, the multiple blog entries accumulating in my post box will remain unposted.
Another blogging issue I have is that it is totally public. In the past I have been one of those people that can have a best friend and a few really good friends and be content. This public blogging thing is a little out of my comfort zone. Anyone anywhere can read it and once you put it out there, even if you delete it, it still floats around in cyberspace somewhere. I find that when my writing juices are flowing, I am passionate about a topic and state everything strongly. When I revisit something I wrote days or weeks later, I usually see things a little differently. I can be a pretty opionated person at times so maybe portraying who I really am is no big deal. A big part of life is growth and change so why can't a blog be opinated anyway? Do I have to completely agree with everything I write if I go back and read it later? I just hate to offend people.
So what is a blog for anyway? I think mine will continue to be a random assortment of topics because I can't seem to blog about just one. I don't have enough to say about quilting to limit it to that. Do blogs really even need to have a chosen topic or theme? Maybe all blogs do have a theme - a self centered cry to the world at large, "Hey look at me, I am important!"
Another blogging issue I have is that it is totally public. In the past I have been one of those people that can have a best friend and a few really good friends and be content. This public blogging thing is a little out of my comfort zone. Anyone anywhere can read it and once you put it out there, even if you delete it, it still floats around in cyberspace somewhere. I find that when my writing juices are flowing, I am passionate about a topic and state everything strongly. When I revisit something I wrote days or weeks later, I usually see things a little differently. I can be a pretty opionated person at times so maybe portraying who I really am is no big deal. A big part of life is growth and change so why can't a blog be opinated anyway? Do I have to completely agree with everything I write if I go back and read it later? I just hate to offend people.
So what is a blog for anyway? I think mine will continue to be a random assortment of topics because I can't seem to blog about just one. I don't have enough to say about quilting to limit it to that. Do blogs really even need to have a chosen topic or theme? Maybe all blogs do have a theme - a self centered cry to the world at large, "Hey look at me, I am important!"
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