Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My little girly has lost her first two teeth! She was so stinking cute about it too! She wanted to keep it a secret so she didn't tell anyone her bottom front teeth were wiggly. Tuesday at lunch the first one fell out and she announced it with a big grin!

Also she started kindergarten this year!!! She is one of those kids who just couldn't wait. She ran right in without even saying goodbye on the first day. It has been great to see her growth. The biggest change I have noticed is her penmanship. Praise be to kindergarten teachers who can convince young children to learn this daunting skill. I struggled this summer to get her to write her name well. I knew it was coming and wanted her to be ready. It was a challenge! Now she is writing all upper and lowercase letters with only some occasional help! I love you Mrs. Parks!

The first day of school!

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