Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have struggled to decide what my rules for this blog are going to be. From the start decided that if I was going to make any rules, the one to make would be that all my entries would involve at least one picture. Well that was a great idea. You see I have an imac that is one of the more basic versions. We bought it for photos, word processing and internet access. That was before I decided to make a website and do my own fliers. I have killed my imac slowly over the years by running creative studio. It no longer even opens photoshop. Because it runs so poorly, I haven't really used a computer much over the last few months and therefore all blog entries have been waiting for photos. My new imac is on its way and I can't wait to work on a computer that functions. So until then, it is most likely, the multiple blog entries accumulating in my post box will remain unposted.

Another blogging issue I have is that it is totally public. In the past I have been one of those people that can have a best friend and a few really good friends and be content. This public blogging thing is a little out of my comfort zone. Anyone anywhere can read it and once you put it out there, even if you delete it, it still floats around in cyberspace somewhere. I find that when my writing juices are flowing, I am passionate about a topic and state everything strongly. When I revisit something I wrote days or weeks later, I usually see things a little differently. I can be a pretty opionated person at times so maybe portraying who I really am is no big deal. A big part of life is growth and change so why can't a blog be opinated anyway? Do I have to completely agree with everything I write if I go back and read it later? I just hate to offend people.

So what is a blog for anyway? I think mine will continue to be a random assortment of topics because I can't seem to blog about just one. I don't have enough to say about quilting to limit it to that. Do blogs really even need to have a chosen topic or theme? Maybe all blogs do have a theme - a self centered cry to the world at large, "Hey look at me, I am important!"


  1. Happy to see a post from you. Happy you are getting a new MAC. Happily looking forward to all the pictures you have saved up to share. Thanks for making me so HAPPY! wb

  2. Yes, you are important. Don't you every forget it lady.
